Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Stow College digs deep for Mary’s Meals


7th November 2012

Stow College digs deep for Mary’s Meals

Generous staff and students at Stow College are expected to raise hundreds of pounds for a leading Scots charity.

The College has launched a series of fundraising initiatives designed to make as much money as possible for Mary’s Meals, which provides a daily meal to over 700,000 children every school day in some of the world’s poorest nations.

Over an eight week period staff and students will be selling raffle tickets and seasonal gifts produced within Stow College. A major project is also underway to fill unused backpacks with basic educational materials as part of the charity’s backpack project. The bags, among others, will be shipped out to children receiving Mary’s Meals.

Stow College Lecturer, Pamela McKinlay, who is leading the fundraising drive, said: “At Stow College we regularly raise money for charities and other good causes. We decided to help Mary’s Meals because of its focus on providing children with the tools they need for an education. It ties in perfectly with the attitudes and beliefs of Stow College.

“We’re now around halfway through our eight week fundraising drive and have already smashed our original target of £500. The response from staff and students has been absolutely amazing. It’s also been a great learning tool for our students who’ve been able to incorporate the project into their Life Skills, Entrepreneurship and Numeracy elements of their courses.”

Stow College’s Steps to Independence class is among the groups helping to raise funds. Student Helen commented: “At first I felt sad but now I understand what it’s about.  It’s helping children who haven’t got much”. Fellow student, James, added: “It’s a privilege to help the children in Africa”.

From its humble beginnings in a small shed in Argyll and Bute, Mary’s Meals has become one of the country’s most high profile charities. Most recently, it hit the headlines when schoolgirl Martha Payne went to Malawi to help with its projects. The 9 year old caused an international stir when she used her own blog to record her daily school meals.

Tracy Coughlan, Education Co-ordinator for Mary’s Meals, commented: “An education, even a basic one, can have a life-changing effect on a child and its community, by lifting individuals and countries out of poverty.

“In countries such as Malawi, many children are often too hungry to attend school, and those who do attend are unable to concentrate due to hunger.

“We are extremely grateful to Stow College for their support which is absolutely vital to us and ensures that hungry children receive a meal each day in a place of education, which improves rates of attendance, enrolment and academic performance.”


Image 1: Stow College’s Steps to Independence class fundraising for Mary’s meals backpack appeal. Back row: Joseph, Stefan, Neil, James, Pamela – Organiser, Amar & Alison
Front row: Brian, Robbie, Kayleigh, Melissa, Helen & Pat

Image 2: An African schoolgirl with one of the donated backpacks.

For more information, contact: Brian O’Neill, Halogen Communications, (T) 0131 202 0120 (F) 0131 225 3757 (E)

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